Archive for the ‘Keyboards’ Category

Top way to make your keys sound more worshipful

Posted by dougo on 17th January 2023 in Amps, Keyboards, MIDI, Pedals

WORSHIPFUL: Key word is “Sensitive”

There are many variations of ways to do this, I’m sure most pianists, keyboardists would say, yet , I say it’s most important to listen to the team, singers, players and add/Complement what you can with your keyboard sound/patches, and playing with the other musicians!

If you’re playing with a very accomplished guitar player with a boat-load of pedals that sound like 1980’s keys, then you need to back off those sounds, let him/her “Fly” and play more straight sounds, and embellish a lead or to at times to complement the leads the guitar player is playing. Possibly play the 16th note runs you know you could play a 3rd or 5th higher to play a “double-lead” Harmony so that you are complementing and not clashing with one another.

Dont Overplay

Contrary to popular belief, more notes in a measure doesn’t make it better

Top Way to Make Your Keys Sound Memorable

Posted by dougo on 17th January 2023 in Blog, Controllers, Keyboards, Modules

Memorable without distracting

Its great to make your keys sound memorable, yet not distracting.

I go for an angelic and enhancing to the dynamics (pp) (ff) with the Patch and the way you play it.

What about being sensitive to the Holy Spirit? Some might say, what is that, sounds spooky. Yet Born again Spirit filled keyboardist should be able to distinguish when its time to play a wild riff, or just a 4th with two notes.

It’s my goal in this training clinic that I can share with you some new ideas how to do this.

Book Doug Orlando for a Worship Keys event

Posted by dougo on 17th January 2023 in Amps, Blog, Keyboards


There are many options available depending upon your need.

Let’s connect to discuss!

There are many variations