Posts Tagged ‘Africa’

Top way to make your keys sound more worshipful

Posted by dougo on 17th January 2023 in Amps, Keyboards, MIDI, Pedals

WORSHIPFUL: Key word is “Sensitive”

There are many variations of ways to do this, I’m sure most pianists, keyboardists would say, yet , I say it’s most important to listen to the team, singers, players and add/Complement what you can with your keyboard sound/patches, and playing with the other musicians!

If you’re playing with a very accomplished guitar player with a boat-load of pedals that sound like 1980’s keys, then you need to back off those sounds, let him/her “Fly” and play more straight sounds, and embellish a lead or to at times to complement the leads the guitar player is playing. Possibly play the 16th note runs you know you could play a 3rd or 5th higher to play a “double-lead” Harmony so that you are complementing and not clashing with one another.

Dont Overplay

Contrary to popular belief, more notes in a measure doesn’t make it better